Unexpectedly, amid the controversy of trans law, Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon resigned on 15 February. This Monday, Health Minister Humza Yousaf announced her replacement. A 37-year-old man has been elected by the SNP as the leader of the independence party, with the vote in favour of 52% of the militants. Finance Minister Kate Forbes had about 48% of the votes.
Forbes is known for her evangelist ideology and her very conservative positions on some issues. If he had won in the mandate, further protection problems were foreseen. However, Yousaf is seen as a succession of former Prime Minister Sturgeon as the closest party to him, The Guardian said. It has a trajectory of almost 20 years within the SNP. On Tuesday, he is nominated as Prime Minister in Parliament and takes office in the event of unforeseen events.
In his post-lucrative speech, Yousaf announced that he will order “for all Scots” and pointed out that the priorities are “My immediate priority will be to continue to protect each Scotsman as much as possible from the damage caused by the cost of the life crisis, to recover and reform our health service NHS and other essential public services, to protect our economy from welfare and to improve the lives of the people of the country.” It also mentions measures relating to poverty, energy and the economy.
Sturgeon also reaffirms its commitment to Scottish independence. “Together in the SNP group, we will be the generation that will give independence to Scotland,” he explains in his note. However, he stresses that in the party they will need “unity”, as the selection process has revealed discrepancies within the SNP and has called for a solution.
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I just saw a series from another sad detective. All the plots take place on a remote island in Scotland. You know how these fictions work: many dead, ordinary people but not so many, and the dark green landscape. This time it reminded me of a trip I made to the Scottish... [+]
Time passes quickly, even more so after two years so slow and weird by the pandemic. The Scottish Prime Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, announced at the end of June his intention to conduct a further consultation on the country’s independence in October 2023, which leads us to... [+]
Independentziari buruzko bigarren erreferenduma 2023ko urriaren 19an egitea proposatu zuen Nicola Sturgeon Eskoziako lehen ministroak joan den astean. Ezezkoa erantzun dio Boris Johnson Erresuma Batuko lehen ministroak
Eskoziako Parlamentuan egindako hitz hartzean eman du horren berri Nicola Sturgeon Eskoziako Lehen ministroak. Aurkezpenean, kritikatu egin du Erresuma Batuko Gobernuak orain arte ukandako "blokeo jarrera".