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7 June 2019, Vitoria-Gasteiz. The issue of gambling halls is becoming more and more critical. Today, the capital has a games room for 8,000 inhabitants. Two playrooms per neighborhood. Meanwhile, the main sponsor of sports clubs Baskonia or Alavés is a betting house.
We've been back months and months with the playrooms. In Vitoria-Gasteiz, for example, it is a topic that has acquired a great centrality in the popular movement: The Gazte Asanblada de Judimendi started a work on the subject and today there are concentrations in the neighborhood, marking several games in January, the neighbors of Txagorritxu are concerned about the room that have opened near the Ikastola Abendaño, they want to open a new one in Salburua… And to reach the date marked in red on the calendar, just two weeks 23 June. The first demonstration against gambling halls in the capital of Alavesa will be held in Vitoria-Gasteiz on that day.
In the past, however, a number of agents have taken the decision to hold a popular trial in the Zarzuela Palace. That's why Euskal Herrian Bizi! A kind of act with a stamp took place this Friday afternoon in front of the gambling halls of Dato Street.
In this symbolic judgment, different actors and groups of people have made known their plea against gambling halls. Students, young girls, Ernai, Indar Baskonia, Iraultza 1921, Astindu Gasteiz, Judimendiko Gazte Asanblada, Kilima(k) Aisialdi Taldea, Gaztetxe de Gasteiz, Olarizuko Gazteak, Trikuharblasada Gazte…
“Women use them as sexual objects in these rooms. We don’t want to be part of this model,” said the young women, while they’ve broken a betting machine slowly.
“We don’t want these premises near our schools or parks. We bet on alternative leisure,” said the members of Kilima(s) Entertainment. And, little by little, every agent has made his plea until the gambling halls have been punished.
The new playroom in the Judimendi neighborhood was opened two years ago and the assembly of young people in the neighborhood witnessed with distress the possible damage that could cause citizenship. To this end, a report was elaborated and a leaflet was distributed among the neighbors to raise awareness of the damages that the game can cause and, afterwards, the decision was made to open the dynamics to the whole neighborhood, beyond a youth problem. In this year, they began to concentrate every month before the new gambling hall, with the opening of the banderoles among the neighbors.
Continuing this claim, they have announced a demonstration coinciding with the festivities of the neighborhood: on June 23, at 19:00, from the Sefarad square of the neighborhood. They want to denounce that, in addition to generating addiction and dependence among neighbors, it also negatively affects the businesses in the area. From the assembly they have explained that it “exploits” the workers. They are also accused of "unfair competition" because of low prices.
Indarrean sartu da Eusko Jaurlaritzak eginiko jokoaren lege berria EAEn. Aurrerantzean, apustu etxeek ikastetxeetatik gutxienez 150 metrora egon beharko dute, eta bi joko aretoren artean 500 metroko distantzia errespetatu beharko dute.