In April 2018, Sagardoi also obtained permission to go out to the street a weekend in Soria prison, after obtaining the second grade. That is the path that EPPK prisoners, who are mostly in the first prison grade, the hardest in the prison system, are now on. In order to gain access to the prison benefits offered by Spanish penitentiary institutions, it is essential to have the second degree of penitentiary. This allows permission to dismiss weekends, if the Executive Board of the centre deems it appropriate. With the third grade, the inmate can, among other things, spend the day in the street and spend the night in prison.
Currently, EPPK prisoners have requested permits to move to second grade, but so far the majority of inmates have refused to grant them. Of the 211 EPPK prisoners imprisoned in Spain, 34 have been sentenced in second grade, 14 last year and 20 aurten.Xabier belong to Sagardoi Segi, sentenced by the National Court to six years in prison for street assaults. The man, who was on provisional release, was arrested by the Civil Guard in Sorlada (Navarra) in September 2013.
The video of Jaione Karrera has been released through the Sare association through its Twitter account.
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What surprised you the most when you left jail? I've been asked many times in the last year and a half.
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