Confesbask has recently pointed out that 400,000 workers will be needed – or has – to maintain current prosperity over the next 30 years. And this time, it focuses on immigration. If it is a matter of covering the need for labour and ensuring that the “law on aliens” is a third-degree worker, it is also possible to set limits.
It is significant that the same one who tells us that next year you cannot know what is going to happen to the economy, is able to predict without a doubt how much employment there will be in 30 years’ time.
It is significant that the same one who tells us that next year you cannot know what is going to happen to the economy, is able to predict without a doubt how many jobs there will be in 30 years’ time. Digitalisation, the decarbonisation process, the conflicts arising from the energy crisis and the global tensions that directly affect international trade, the duration and organization of working hours, the new realities that demographic change will generate… These are and are more the processes that are currently undergoing. To rethink what, how much and how it is produced in Euskal Herria, to organize a complete system of care insurance, a profound reduction of the working day that allows the level of productivity, a reorganization of the day that is fundamental to improve the quality of life... those struggles that are underway and that will influence the labor market.
Confesbask is clear that many of us will reach retirement age. Let it be with a decent pension! And he points out that his forecast is worth 30 years from now because we will not be able to change this system. This is to be seen, because the important thing has left out of the equation: that we have no future if we maintain current prosperity.
Petronorrek adierazi du asmoa duela hidrogenoa ekoizteko lantegia abiatzeko Bilboko Portuan eta erregai mota hori Tubacex, Tubos edota Vidrala enpresetara heltzeko, beharrezkoa izango dela hidroduktoa eraikitzea.
Etxebizitza berrien promozioak ez atzeratzea da Eusko Jaurlaritzako Gobernu Kontseiluak onartu duen dekretuaren helburu nagusietako bat. Zentzu horretan, udalei "autonomia" gehiago emango diela ziurtatu du Denis Itxaso sailburuak.
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In mid-January, the Cedarras Forum presented the report Euskadi and the European Union, the shared destiny of prosperity and competitiveness. It contains recommendations for the PPAs, taking as a reference the reports submitted by Draghi and Letta for the European Union.
Based... [+]