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(With mural grass)

  • Suppose it's called Rikardo who has suggested this title to me. If you cannot give the real name, your wife first and the doctor will rebuke you. We have to cheat, if not on a red day. He told me what Sendabelar knows when he took out the book. “You gave me the joy by explaining the grass on the wall so well. You know that thanks to this medicinal herb I'm still the kid recording, what the vinists know is also there, huh?" He loves wine and years later the grass on the wall has helped him to be faithful to that difficult love.
Horma-belarra (parietaria judaica). Argazkia: Dani Blanco.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.


Rikardo is a very urban man, a capital of the Basque Country, a crew of Txikiteros who still make one round every morning and another every afternoon. Wine, coffee and grass on the wall are the only fluids you drink. I like this man because he breaks many topics. In other words, the knowledge of medicinal plants is linked to the dwarf, which is the knowledge that the mother gives her daughter, that many medicinal plants must be used to be healthy, that the liver cleaners from abroad are stronger, etc. The motto of many of us for years has been to be able to make as many medicines as for oneself and he is a good example.

In Euskal Herria there are several medicinal plants almost devotional, as we see in his admiration and one of them is the wall. Its high flavonoid content slows cellular aging and is antioxidant. Contains tannins, mucilages, potassium nitrate, reducing components, calcium oxalate and acids in their leaves and rabbits. A lot of ingredients. This herbaceous plant from the same botanical family of Asun is a potent diuretic but also a good medicinal herb to clean the liver and bile.

And best of all, with walls everywhere full of backs. Claiming that their pollen is allergen, municipalities are amateurs of fumigation (often glyphosate), but they have a party, as seen this species seems to have developed resistance to the drug. In the walls located outside villages and urban centers, the one that grows against the walls of the bordes and hermites of the mountain area has been gathered.

The habit has been to make a ninth in spring and fall. That is, dry the leaves, taps and flowers/seeds well and infuse them for fasting nine days in a row each morning. During the three months that the seasons last. Yes, no condiments, no honey. It is not compatible with many drugs or diseases, inform yourself before using them.

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