The citizens' initiative states that it wants to take steps for any Navarro, wherever he is and where he is alive, to remove all the obstacles that prevent the implementation of the right to know and use the Basque language throughout Navarre: “Zoning was unfair four decades ago and is now anachronistic.”
The Declaration of Courts considers that the segregation of three areas of the foreign community according to linguistic rights is a source of discrimination, inequality and discrepancy between Navarros. They want Navarre to be a land that promotes the cohesion of citizenship, without classifying citizenship according to language, and that takes account of linguistic diversity.
They have stressed that the fact that the number of people who know Euskera is small does not give legitimacy to infringe the rights of citizenship.
They have claimed that the two languages, Spanish and Euskera, have to be in front of each other and that the Basque is a natural part of the identity of Navarre, which cannot be understood by Navarre without the Basque.
It calls on the citizens of all municipalities and all social, cultural, sporting, trade union, economic and political actors to endorse the claim and to participate in the mobilisations and actions that will take place from now on.
Last Thursday the PSN and Navarra Suma rejected in the Parliament of Navarra the proposal of law to enter the mixed area of Mañeru. In addition to refusing, the PSN proved harsh. Although the City of Mañeru unanimously approved the inclusion in the mixed area, the law was not... [+]
On December 15, the "Basque Law" will be 36 years old. 36 years since the division of Nafarroa Garaia in three areas. 36 years since the division of our linguistic rights into three areas. Living in Basque as an option associated with a specific area.
Since then, we Basques have... [+]