The aim of the reform is to prevent a future legalization of abortion in Honduras. Honduras is one of the countries with the highest rate of pregnancy for adolescents in Honduras, Central and South America, one in four births is under nineteen years, according to the United Nations. The proposal was adopted in a single debate by the plenary of the Lower House. It was presented on 11 January by the Member of the National Party, the Vice-President of the Honduran Parliament, Mario Pérez.
Reform of Article 67
The reform stipulates that "the legal provisions which, after the entry into force of this Article, establish the opposite shall remain without effect". This avoids legislative initiatives to legalise abortion in the future.
"The National Party is for life and will vote for this reform; and whoever does not want and wants to accept the death of a child in his mother's womb, who votes against," said Congressman Mario Pérez.
Adverse Reactions
Honduran feminist human rights organizations have condemned the reform and underlined that it "violates the rights of women at the root".There are many of us, the group that fights for the right to decide of women in Honduras, has tweeted "not so much anger".
— We Are Many (@We Are Productive HN) January 21, 2021
On the other hand, Twitter users who have applauded the ban on abortion on social media have chosen the motto "Honduras is for life".
On 19 January, the United Nations condemned the project, as it will hamper future progress in the area of sexual and reproductive rights of women and girls in Honduras. "This bill is worrying. Instead of moving towards fulfilling women’s fundamental rights, the country is moving backwards,” several UN experts said in a statement.
A few weeks ago we heard Trump in the televised debate on the existence in his country of democratic states that authorize abortion after the birth of his son.
Judging by the character, it seems an absurd and improvised idea, but that same falsehood was heard in 2019 by Adolfo... [+]
Abortuaren eskubidea Frantziako konstituzioan sartu da aste honetan. Baina abortatzeko eskubidea ez da gaur goizeko afera. Jadanik 1970. hamarkadaren hasieran mugimendu azkarrak izan ziren eskubide horren erdiesteko Ipar Euskal Herrian.
Espainiako Estatuan Abortuaren aurkako lobbyak Abortuaren Legea erausteko beste saiakera bat egiten ari dira Gaztela eta Leonen. Hango gobernukide den Vox-ek iragarri du abortatu nahi duten emakumeei fetuaren taupadak entzunarazi edota ekografiak ikusaraziko dien protokoloa... [+]