The members of the Aroztak movement have highlighted the support received these days: "A wave of solidarity has given us support and strength, starting with the people of Lekaroz, passing through different corners of the Basque Country. We have strengthened the relationships that serve to weave and strengthen our struggle, while we are stopping this shattering."
"Government of Navarra, Palacio de Aroztegia S.L. We want to make it clear to the company and its accomplice Tex that here the people command and have arrived, that they will always have us in front of this imposition," they say. "If you are tempted to continue with this destruction, we will come back and stop it again."
15 May, demonstration in Elizondo
Aroztak will now join the "demonstration" that will start on 15 May from Elizondo Square to claim the right to decide. It will start at 17:30, Defense of the Rural Environment! Stop the carpentry! Under the motto '. Earlier this Saturday, the young people of the locality have organized several events in Lekaroz Square.
Aroztegia proiektuaren kontrako protesta baketsuetan parte hartzeagatik ezarritako zigorrari aurre egiteko diru-bilketa abiaraziko dutela iragarri du herri kolektiboak.