The 21-year-old Santurtziarra, Roke Xabier Mendez Villada, refugee, and the 27-year-old Mondragonese, José Luis Mondragon Moral, were killed on Monday, 50 years ago, by the Spanish police and the Civil Guard in the ambush of the beach of Asturiaga.
On Monday, the Hondarribia City Council recognised by an institutional statement that they were killed in an ambush, and added that they are “clear” that it should never happen. They expressed their support for the family of the two victims and apologized because “during these years they have not received sufficient support from the City of Hondarribia”.
Last weekend a tribute was paid in Asturiaga, as every year, in which it was recalled that the Poet has been recognised as a victim. In this regard, the City Council has called for “short-term” recognition of Moriko as a victim. The latter's family has a request, but later than Poet's. The Evaluation Committee is therefore currently assessing the case.
The City Council undertakes to continue the path taken to clarify the facts and to put all necessary means to “know the truth”. In this way, the Aranzadi Society of Sciences undertakes to complete the report initiated and social inclusion in the municipality of Hondarribia.
Finally, they point out that the cooperation of all citizens is “essential” to complete the collective memory. “The truth, recognition, reparation and conditions must be built so that it does not happen again. Because the past cannot be an obstacle to future coexistence.”
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