The Mayor of Hondarribia, Igor Enparan, has reflected in a letter sent to all Hondarribitarras the tension that has been experienced this year around the Alarde de Hondarribia. "I've suffered a campaign full of lies and hatred. Rumours and lies have spread in order to stir up coexistence among all citizens, to hurt them. I've heard whistles, insults, threats -- somebody's tried to play," he says.
Abotsanitz took the witness last year in a town ruled by the PNV for many years, which has caused some changes in the big day of the Hondarribia festivities. For the first time, the joint company Jaizkibel has had the municipal permission to parade as a company, and for the first time has been recognized the trajectory of the traditional Alarde, which has departed from the same place and has been able to finish the parade through Calle Mayor.
More than one of the traditional scares has been angered by these steps, and proof of this is that all the traditional companies came voluntarily late to the place where the parade began not to coincide with the joint company Jaizkibel. Now, the mayor has transferred to the citizens of Hondarribia, through a letter he has sent to all households, the tension experienced during those days and the campaign "full of lies and grudges" suffered by some neighbors.
"It's a lie I haven't been through my head."
The letter states that throughout the year he has held discussions with different agents to seek consensus: "We shared that we were going to celebrate the Alarde all the Hondarribitarras together but not together." Conversely, in Hondarribia, festivities have taken place far from consensus. D. Mayor states that: "Some colleagues may have told you that the mayor has decided to ban activities related to Alarde. It’s not true (…) You may have been told another falsehood: that on 7 September I banned entry to the HAOSE in the Plaza de Armas. That's also a lie, because I don't get through my head or my head. Or you've heard that I didn't treat agents equally. You may have been reluctantly told that bars had to close at midnight, but that hasn't been true, because the same permits have been given as in the past few years."
Within this environment, the mayor has received whistles, insults, threats and even an attempt to play. However, "I have received the support of many of you, and the messages of encouragement have been endless," said the president.
In the letter, Maroto has stated that he will continue along the same path to resolve the Alarde issue, "in order to find an agreement to live the Alarde among all Hondarribiarras".
At ARGIA we announced this year’s Alarde de Hondarribia:
Uxoa Anduaga: "We will have to start sharing the spaces that until now occupied the exclusionary alarm"
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