The decision was announced on Thursday two weeks ago at the Board of Spokespersons of the City of Hondarribia, with the presence of Maribel Vaquero, responsible for the area of coexistence of the Council of Gipuzkoa. “In it, both Mrs. Vaquero and the mayor told us that the process of dialogue to find a solution to the tensions generated by the alarming will have a change of direction,” he explains in a letter on behalf of EH Bildu de Hondarribia Carlos Gebara.
Retolaza’s task has been to promote dialogue between the groups involved in the Alarde de de Hondarribia conflict, on the one hand talking to the joint company Jaizkibel and on the other hand with the Alarde Foundation, which organizes the exclusionary parade in which women can only parade as singers.
Veto of the Alarde Foundation
However, the letter from EH Bildu’s representative explains that Retolaza has not achieved “the necessary trust among the members of the Alarde Foundation (AF)”, so that mediation is over.
Eh Bildu disagreed with the decision of the Gipuzkoa Council not to support this initiative. The letter explains that the process of " giving the people the floor for the first time " has been interrupted. The coalition has attached importance to this point, in addition to the actors directly involved, noting that “the Alarde is of all Hondarribitarras”.
“They have been subjected to pressure from the factual powers of Hondarribia because the results of the interview were not to the liking of the Alarde Foundation,” said EH Bildu. The sovereign coalition believes it has become clear that "the sensitivity of some is more sensitive than that of others in this case".
This means of communication has tried to talk to the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa to obtain its assessment of this issue, but it has not been possible to draft this news.
Lowering the tension or solving the problem?
In disagreement with the Diputación’s dialogue process, the Alarde Foundation, the organizer of the exclusionary show, in February of this year committed itself to a model of dialogue that “reduces the tension” experienced last year. Apart from the Deputation, he proposed to sew the local agents and to moderate the debate with the mayor of Hondarribia, Txomin Sagarzazu (PNV). In April, Sagarzazu gave his "yes" to this approach.
The Jaizkibel company has also accepted the invitation to speak, with two conditions: that the mediator be someone recognized by both sides, a neutral figure – Sagarzazu participates in the exclusionary alarming – and that the talks are aimed at achieving a “consensual solution” for the Alarde de Hondarribia.
Since this proposal went to the plaza, the Alarde Foundation and the Hondarribiko Emakumeak group, which every 8 September is responsible for placing black plastics on the main street of the town, have not made public statements on the subject. Next 30 June, the first Alarde del Bidasoa will be held in Irun this year, in which the participation of women has been in question for more than two decades.
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