When asked what they would prefer for Hondarribia, 45.6% of those surveyed prefer a single egalitarian display over other options: the option of two independent displays has been supported by 18.4% and that of a single traditional display has been supported by 15.7%. In addition, if one day they were allowed to participate in a single egalitarian and/or traditional Alarde, 55.8% of respondents would opt for the first option.
After being ruled by the PNV for many years, in 2023 Abotsanim took over the Hondarribia City Council. The plan up to 2027 included "addressing citizen dialogue dynamics", which included 400 telephone surveys to collect opinions, perceptions and attitudes about Alardea aimed at citizens in November.
On September 8, 2024, the parity company Jaizkibel had, for the first time, a municipal permit to march as a company, recognizing the trajectory of the traditional Alarde. So the two companies had to start from the same place, but to avoid joining Jaizkibel, the traditional Alarde broke his habit and started the parade twenty minutes late.
Alardean desfilatuta ere honek «herriaren benetazko errealitatea irudikatzen ez zuela» ikusita sortu zen 2019an Guztion Alardea, «herria polarizatua dagoelako, baina ikusten ez den masa gris handia dagoela irudikatu beharra zegoelako». Eneko Gonzalez eta... [+]
«Gatazkaren konponbidean baliagarria izango delakoan» EH Bilduko Lantalde Feministak egindako hausnarketa plazaratu du Arma Plazan. Igor Enparan alkateari «Jaizkibel konpainiak bakarrik betetzen duen legea betearazten hasteko, eta Alarde bakarra, guztiona eta... [+]
Alarde fundazioari eta Hondarribiko Udalari bideratu diete alardean parte hartzeko eskakizuna, kantinera bezala ez ezik, soldadu gisa ere bai. Guztion Alardea elkarteak eman du urratsaren berri. Alarde baztertzailearen bueltako gazteek sortu zuten elkartea, defendatzen baitute... [+]