In a press conference at the entrance of the Old Town of Hondarribia, the members of Jaizkibel indicated that "enough is enough to say a stop". With posters interspersing the words "alarde de Hondarribia" and "egalitario", the only company that allows women to participate on equal terms that men report that institutions have acted with "dejadez" in a problem that lasts for more than two decades. "Just use the party as an excuse that there are two ways of living," they said; "just look away", they have concluded.
According to Jaizkibel, last Saturday "no two ways of living the party were found. On Saturday, in Hondarribia, a company that claims the participation of women walked the main street, and on the other side, in the shadow of black plastics, there were people who attacked us."
They say that this year’s alarm has been particularly hard, but it cannot be forgotten that for years they have been climbing the Great Way, marching around black plastics. In view of this situation, the City Hall of Hondarribia, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the Basque Government have declared that they have been "blind, mute and deaf". "That's why we say that today is enough. Either we set up or will continue to work to take steps towards solution and standardisation. We are always ready to sit, to speak… But we are not willing to live again on Saturday.”
Minority Coordinated Attack
Jaizkibel stressed that the 8 September parade was not confined to the Great Way and that outside that place the situation was quite different. In the Arrantzale neighborhood, in the old part and other parts of Hondarribia "there is no coordinated aggression organized by a minority", but smiles, applause and goodbye from the neighbors. "There are citizens of Hondarribia who come to see us, people who are ashamed of what has happened in the Great Way," Jaizkibel said.
"Many have told us that it is enough, that they do not accept what happened on Saturday, that in no case does this attack replace them at all," added the members of the joint company.
They have thanked these people, as well as those who applauded Jaizkibel, "that even in the toughness of the situation they made us raise the Great Way with a smile and a applause, and later they came behind us to deal with the plight of the main street," and they have reminded the feminist movement of Euskal Herria and the authorities that received Jaizkidel in the gates.
"It's time to position ourselves, to work towards the solution and, once and for all, to achieve a unique, public and egalitarian alarming, leaving the images of Saturday in the past," they added.
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