Currently there is only one organic waste composting plant in Bizkaia, Composting. The Provincial Council and the foral public society Garbiker have expressed their desire to decentralize composting to the districts. According to the Representative, the amount of organic waste collected through containers is increasing and the transfer of composting facilities to the counties would improve their treatment. On the other hand, each region would be closer to the installation, reducing transport costs and the pollution it generates.
Garbiker has already launched a tender process for the purchase of machinery for district installations. The company provides, inter alia, for three composting reactors with a treatment capacity of more than eight tonnes of waste per day.
Barakaldoko Brutzeña auzoan hondakinekin lan egiten duen Contenedores Vascos baten aurkako salaketa jarri du Ekologistak Martxan elkarteak.
Urriaren 29an Guggenheim museoaren inguruan grabaturiko bideo batek udal garbitzaileak erakusten ditu paperezko, plastikozko eta gainerako zaborren kontainerretan pilaturiko hondakinak kamioi bakar batean jasotzen. "Arduragabekeria, iruzurra eta adar jotzea... [+]