The clinic of the University of Navarra of Opus Dei has a guide for emergency gastroenteritis care. According to the digital journal Público, the guide shows that the knowledge of the "sexual habits" of the patient is "a basic fact" to identify the origin of the disease. The question is whether the patient practices "promiscuity/homosexuality" to predict whether "proktitis and Shigella, salmonella, Campylobacter and gonorrhea" can appear. In addition, the guide refers to the need to collect information on whether the patient has just traveled, whether he has had contact with toxins or where he or she works.
The Clínica de la Universidad de Navarra has private hospitals in Pamplona and Madrid. Its "ethical code" determines the need to act "in accordance with the morals" of the Catholic Church: "All the activities of the clinic must respect the lives of people from the moment the existence begins to gestate until it ends in natural death and follow the criteria of Catholic morality in issues of sexuality and human reproduction".