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LGBTI groups call for a legal ban on therapies to "heal" homosexuality

  • Today, therapies to “cure” homosexuality are still carried out with total impunity in almost every corner of the world, often forced by the parents themselves. LGBTI groups have called for a legal ban on these practices and have underlined the impact they have on the integrity and mental health of victims.

09 February 2021 - 12:45

Electric shocks (when you see the erotic image of a person of the same sex), hypnosis, self-help exercises, psychotherapy sessions, masturbation readaptation exercises… There are many methods that are used to change sexual orientation. It is a dark world, but those who direct this type of “therapies” have no legal consequences, despite the fact that in the victims there is confusion, lack of self-esteem and trauma, among other factors. Research indicates that these practices can lead to depression and even suicide.

Social groups like El Salton have asked governments to "tighten" laws and act "against these practices." United States El Salton data: 58% of LGBTI youth, aged 13-24, claim to have tried to persuade the population to change their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Only three countries are prohibited

In Europe, only three countries are prohibited by law for such practices: Malta, Switzerland and last year, Germany. From the Basque Country, the closest territories prohibited by law are Murcia, Madrid, Comunidad Valenciana, Andalusia and Aragon (through regulations created between 2016 and 2019).

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