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Homo glasses

14 June 2022 - 07:04

This brand of glasses is exclusively for human use. The man has been dressed for a long time and very few have managed to get a new look to take off and see the glasses. So, they're not one of those who gets taken off and put on when you want to.

Ten/twelve thousand years ago, they created glasses in the Neolithic era, coinciding with the beginnings of language, with the acquisition of self-awareness. Then came the self, the ego. Until then we, we, were more ours than I and I. It seems that group awareness is more anterior, because they lived in clans and because the group was more important than oneself. The Basques still tend to say “our Antonio” or “our Joxepa” when we speak for someone at home. That “our” is very ours. In human evolution, and I want to stress this, acquiring oneself and, finally, acquiring one's identity was an important step. Hence personal self-esteem. The awareness of the car is not exclusive to the human being. If self-awareness is understood as a capacity for self-knowledge, there are animals that have the ability to know themselves in front of a mirror of animals and birds. You can mention, for example, elephants, birds of mica, monkeys -- just a few of them, of course. Today you cannot compare your self-awareness with that of man, but it has to be said that this is not the only one.

"With Homo glasses you will never be part of nature, for you and nature will always be two."

Since then, man has seen everything in his hand, his eyes, his heart, everything in the same way, and he wears his glasses forever. I, myself and others, everything else, are two different things. Because the intelligence of the human being works this way. Their knowledge is based on contradictory approaches, this is white because that's black; this is big because the other is small; this is Chinese because that's bad, etc. So, all that's outside of us is all that's not me. The self cannot be confused with anyone, with everything else. We have separated ourselves forever.

As long as we have these glasses, we will not be able to overcome our egoism. Moreover, we will have trouble loving, because the first person of the verb loving will not be lost and it will be something I always do, love without empathy. What I do can be wonderful: help, support, love, etc., but, even if you don't realize, unconsciousness still works with the self. The development of the mind goes hand in hand with the self, and while the mind is always working, it's going to push the ego, and if it's an artist, it's going to trick the ego, it's going to invent those who are and those who are not, so that we can do what it wants. If you want to meditate in depth, you say that you have to shut your head first.

With Homo glasses you will never be part of nature, because you and nature will always be two. When you say, "We care about nature," you're not in nature. You want to take care of nature from the outside. Even more so. Even if it sounds like an altruistic phrase, we also have a selfish vision when we say: “What a world we have to leave our children!” When we talk about our children, we mean ourselves, the self is still there. The real relationship with nature is to feel that you are nature from the hairs of the head to the tips of the legs, because it is nothing more, but nature (understanding that it is always part of everything it is)

As with nature, the same is true of religions, especially with the three great religions created in the Central East and known in the West and with all those created from them. Since they are all monotheists, far away, they speak of a God in heaven, that they might avenge and pray to him. Xabier Lete said a long time ago that he was asking about Maite in his initial song: “It’s far away, there in your sky, leaving us alone in the world of orphans.” I can assure you that the Christian, the Muslim or the Jew and the followers of the religions created from them wear homo glasses. I know that a small group of people, unfortunately too small, have taken their glasses off and start seeing them differently.

What is a being that faces man with his God? The one who does that is a sign that he's going with the glasses. I and God, two people. What am I? This is not the case with other oriental thoughts or philosophies. There are no glasses, they are me and desire (to be of all that is). There's no person, it's all, including me. This count is very illustrative. “In times of inquisition they asked the mystic who was torturing: But how do you go down the street saying you're a god? And the mysticist said to them, “I have never said that I am a god, but that it is me.” It's time to start taking off the glasses!

Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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