The fact that Sidenor performs a 20-day strike means the suspension of 30% of productive working days from today until the end of the year. As announced by the company, it will first affect the Basauri plant and then gradually the others: In the Basque Country it has two other floors, in Vitoria-Gasteiz and in Azkoitia.
The Basque Government announced on the same day that Sidenor has made this decision public, which will meet this Friday with the industrial sectors most affected by the rise in electricity.
The ELA trade union has denounced that Sidenor's management has informed the Basauri plant's company committee of its intention to stop the activity for 20 days "without giving explanations". "During the meeting, the trade unions have sought to deepen the reasons for this decision and have asked for information on the demands and costs of companies. They also wanted to know the impact of electricity growth and information on the company’s contract with electricity companies. However, Sidenor has not provided any response, except for the general reference to the rise in electricity prices. For ALS, it is essential to have more information to know the reasons for the measure".
Three. A few years ago, Iberdrola commissioned us to replace the analogue meter with a digital one. Workers were sent home from time to time without notice. We doubted those unusual interests and issues that forced us to change the counter and that the counter in the house... [+]
Azken hilabeteotan Iberiar Penintsulako handizkako merkatuan argindarraren prezioa etengabe ari da gora egiten. Urriaren 5ean, historian lehen aldiz, orduko megawattak (MWh) 200 euroko langa gainditu zuen, eta ordutik muga horren gainetik dago prezioa. Zer dela eta aldatzen da... [+]