The congress "The Gain of Languages" will be held on 26 and 27 November in Donostia-San Sebastián. At a time when the use of English is being felt in the digital arena, the congress wishes to highlight the contribution of minority languages such as the Basque language to the local economy.
The Association of Language Industries of the Basque Country dem Langune, in collaboration with the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN), organized a two-day conference in Kursaal.
‘The gain of languages. Over 30 European rapporteurs will participate in the Benefits of language industry in the economy conference. Among them, the Secretary General for Linguistic Policy of the Basque Government, Aitor Aldasoro; the Director General of GAIA, Tomás Iriondo; the coordinator of the Elhuyar Language and Technology Unit, Itziar Cortés, and the director of Iametza, Eli Pombo, among others. In general, the situation and reality of 16 minority languages in the CAV and Navarra will be analysed.
Organisers have stressed the need for linguistic diversity to be managed in a digital and technological environment. In fact, they have explained that the explosion of artificial intelligence in recent years has increased the "hegemony of English" in the digital sphere, an issue to which it is necessary to incorporate minority languages in the digital sphere.
The organizers have stressed that the "survival and development" of minority languages, in addition to generating cultural wealth, economically strengthens the territory. The Congress of Deputies will discuss the contribution they make to the economy of different countries. As for the local economy, the study analyzes the influence of the music industry in Basque and the audiovisual media in the economies of Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa.
The focus on international relations is on achieving the objectives of minority languages in the digital and economic fields. They have stressed that the collaboration between Euskal Herria and the other European countries can generate "new opportunities" and that cooperation between languages in similar situations "can be enriching".
Congress is free, but to attend you you need to register on the web.
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