Unlike Burmese, the Kachins use the Latin alphabet to write their language (Jinghpaw). It is estimated that there are about 1.1 million speakers in a country of about 50 million inhabitants. There are several ethnic groups and minorities in Burma, but the xovinism of the dominant ethnicity, the Burmese and the Buddhist, is terrible. From the point of view of military authority or the alleged Democratic leader by Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma is one, only the Burmese, the only religion is Buddhism, and the terrorists who have to dominate everyone else: that centralist nationalist policy has led Rohingya to genocide against the Muslim minority.
In particular, it has been denounced that messages hated by the Buddhist, who, he claimed, are "inhumane", are broadcast via Facebook. Last year, Facebook announced that it had launched a hate content policy as a reaction. In February 2019, Facebook also banned the pages of four anti-Burmese movements, including the pages of the Katxin Army of Independence, to compensate them.
In this context, Katxinn looks like a technical warning you've seen 24 hours ago: you can censor your activity at any time, or from another point of view, knowing that your messages are detected automatically is a scary thing.
History has been read in the publication The Verge.
For illustration, a book published in Catalan language (Jinghpaw, Jinghpo) in Latin alphabet in China. The Katxin region is located in northern Burma, on the border with China. In China, puppies also live. The Burmese, the Chinese and the Catechism or the Jinghpaw language, all three are relatives of the French-Tibetan family.
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