The first two translations to be published will be Terres Mortes (from English Dead Lands) by Núria Bendigo and Amek by Katixa Agirre (from Mothers Don’t). The goal is to publish five books a year.
Books will be sold in digital and paper format, “in the major bookstores in the United Kingdom”. In addition, the editorial has emphasized that all of this they want to do in an ethical way, “paying our collaborators properly and supporting in the community in which we live projects that help women live with freedom and dignity, making them the first fair trade publishing house in the United Kingdom”.
Distress call
Bibiana Mas is “Catalan at birth, Scottish at adoption” behind the editorial, surrounded by a group of professionals. Mase explains that the publication of each book has a minimum cost of EUR 10,000 and that they need help to launch the project on the Verkami platform. It has shown the ways to obtain the first edition of books or to collaborate economically in another way. They shall allocate the contributions to the financing of books.
I was going to write a column tirelessly, but I found it ridiculous to pretend that at the age of 19 it's collapsed: rendered, tired, disappointed, as if this world had denied me. I found it even more ridiculous to dream of the little little rolls that we have left, to lose me in... [+]
Ruben Ruiz
Illustrations: Joseba Beramendi, exprai.
Elkar, 2022
Rubén Ruiz offers a new work of short stories. They are not micronarratives, because the stories, although they can be read independently, have a... [+]
Noemie Marsily and Isabella
Cieli For Centos, 2022
We opened the zipper of the camping in red and looked through the leek along with Lucy. With this cover, the reader receives the comic book Memet. Simple words... [+]
Beware of that view of the South. Firstly, to demystify the blind admiration of the green land, the white houses and the red tiles, unconditional love, fetishism associated with speech and the supposed lifestyle. It leaves, as Ruper Ordorika has often heard, a tourist idea... [+]
A Heart Museum
Leire Vargas
Elkar, 2024
The Basque cultural system has a thirst for young people. That's what Leire Vargas said in the written column in Berria. The industry is looking for fresh, varied and diverse... [+]
A few days ago, the new French Interior Minister, Bruno Retailleau, joined the so-called "migratory confusion", one of the most pressing issues. It has provided the prefects of the State with clear mandates: zero tolerance towards immigrants and structures and prisoners who show... [+]