Associations working for minority languages in the Spanish State have called for rights to be respected in all languages other than Spanish. At the press conference held in Madrid, the Council of Social Organizations of the Basque Country was also present, whose secretary, Paul Bilbao, warned of an “involution” in the development of languages. The Council has been accompanied by the Commission in its hearing before the media by Òmnium, Acció Cultural del País Valenciá, Initiative Pol asturianu, Plataforma per la Llengua, A Mesa, Nogara and Ciemen.
They have submitted a report on linguistic diversity: freedom, equality and democracy, in order to demand rights comparable to Spanish and to recall compliance with an agreement signed by the Spanish State.
Although the State assumed responsibility for ensuring the rights of local languages, the language associations have denounced that the Spanish Government has not complied with these regulations and called for a reaction. “Political parties cannot give the impression of being a spectator to those who threaten to implement measures that limit or make impossible the right to life in our languages.”
The hearing took place a few days before the elections to the Spanish Courts in Catalonia. Associations have also expressed their views on this matter: “The Congress and the Government that are set up after the elections on 10 November will be decisive.”
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