Citizenship of the enclave has denounced that on Friday, about to reach Treviño, linguistic rights are violated "over and over". Although the Basque language is Treviño’s ‘own language’, the Government of Castilla y León says that it treats Basques as foreigners: “With their actions they remind us over and over again that we do not enter their laws.”
In fact, recently, the municipalities of Treviño and La Puebla de Arganzón have been condemned to annul their Euskera plans through the courts. According to the judgments, despite the social use that the Basque country may have in the Enclave, “there is no legal basis for designating it as an official language in Castile and León”. Therefore, there is no possibility in Treviño of normalizing the Basque Country, as stated by law.
Likewise, the ruling states that one cannot study Euskera in the public center dependent on the Educational System of Castilla y León. On the contrary, the platform has underlined that there is no legal obstacle to learning English. “Every day, children and adolescents in the enclave have to go to centers in Vitoria-Gasteiz and other municipalities in Álava if they want to learn Euskera,” they explained.
The members of the platform Trebiñu Araba Da have celebrated that, despite the obstacles, the process of recovery of the Basque country in the enclave is “unstoppable” and that above the imposition they will manage to integrate administratively Treviño in Álava.
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The Council of Euskalgintza is warning of the linguistic emergency we have been experiencing in recent weeks. Several years have passed since the beginning of describing the situation of the process of revitalization of the Basque country at the crossing, at the roundabout, at... [+]
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