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Let's talk about Navarra and Navarra

28 August 2023 - 08:03
Last updated: 10:10
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Last June, under our name, Eusko Ikaskuntza Diversity and coexistence in Navarra. He published a book entitled The Basque Country and national identities (it can be downloaded on his website). This research defends the existence in Navarre of a strong national competition underlying Basque and Spanish nationalisms, which manifests itself especially around the Basque country. And as we could foresee, most of the reactions produced by our work have focused on this controversial issue, but in absolutely contradictory directions. We would like to make a few points.

The research we have developed over four years is based mainly on the opinions and attitudes we have gathered in Navarre in various sectors of very different characteristics (geographical, intergenerational, political and ideological). As far as possible, our work has been to collect and analyze the feeling of Navarre citizenship, which we have tried to contrast at all times with experts from the associative and academic world of Navarra. In total, more than 200 people have participated in our process. We attach particular importance to this, since we believe that the sample has been complete. Much of what is said is simply the opinion of many men and women from Navarra, sometimes quantified with statistical data.

These views perfectly reflect the concern of the Navarre people in general about such a hostile and polarised political environment. Similarly, paradoxically, on more than one occasion it is these people who deny that they can be hurt to the other side. The analysis and implications of this discomfort have guided our study, focusing on two aspects: ideological and political.

From the ideological point of view, we wish to highlight the extension of the reciprocal denial of true navarurity. Spanish nationalism considers that nationalist positions respond only to the internal impulse of Euskal Herria, while Basque nationalism considers that regionalist or constitutionalist navarrism responds only to the Spanish impulse. In other words, one party believes that the other is Basque in essence, while the other is Spanish in essence. They delegitimize each other. Where is Navarra?

There does not seem to be a single identity in Navarre. There is a strong Navarro feeling, but almost always linked to Spain and the Basque Country

As we say, there does not seem to be a single identity in Navarre. There is a strong Navarro feeling, that is true – people are proud to be Navarro – but almost always linked to Spain and the Basque Country. The obstacles to democratic coexistence are clear: both ideologies and feelings are legitimate in democracy, but how can we discuss Navarre if we believe that the other side is not really Navarre?

Politically, the political parties' lack of interest in leaving their relative area of comfort and questioning the adherence of their followers also has their own implications, making the Basque one of the main instruments of social and political confrontation in Navarra. Basque nationalism defends Euskera because it is at the heart of its ideology, and believes that the dissemination of Euskera will be a logical electoral benefit. Spanish nationalism, on the other hand, tries to limit the protection it gives to the Basque country, because it is not essential in its ideology (it is Spanish), and thinks that with the Basque country will increase the Abertzale vote. In our study we have tried to demonstrate that there is no causal relationship between the Basque Country and the political vote, and we believe that the clarification of this point can somehow relate the political debate around the Basque Country. Undoubtedly, its achievement would be beneficial both for the Basque Country and for the construction of a more appropriate social environment of respect.

We did not wish to assume the role of judges, nor do we believe that the work of Eusko Ikaskuntza is that. Our task has been, on the one hand, to collect the opinions of the Navarre people and, on the other hand, to draw attention to the implications or consequences that certain proposals or attitudes may have in both politics and administration. It is not up to us to establish the policies to be followed, of course, but we must explain that in democracy it is essential to link the search for equality with respect for diversity. From there, we can warn, for example, of the inconsistencies that exist around the official status of the Basque country, from the criterion of equality, or that the transcendence that Spanish and Basque nationalisms grant to the language leads us to a blind path, or that, as I say, the increase in the knowledge of the Basque country does not entail the expansion of Basque nationalism.

Rational and less visceral reflection is needed. We believe it is necessary that all these ideas can be tackled in a calmer atmosphere, and only that can be achieved with a minimum of confidence, both in relations between citizens and between citizens and the administration. And we believe that because most of the Navarros we've heard have told us. In short, this study by Eusko Ikaskuntza aims to be an attempt to contribute to the strengthening of democratic culture in Navarra society.

Txoli Mateos, Amaia Nausia and Julen Zabalo

Members of the Promoter Group of the project "Democratic management of diversity in Navarra: coexistence" by Eusko Ikaskuntza

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