In 1853, Napoleon III named him New Caledonia and turned him into the colony of France. In 1946, the then "Overseas France" was finally declared a "collectivity of special status" in 1999. However, it has never regained its political sovereignty and, for the third time, attempts will be made to regain independence through the referendum.
The 1998 Noumea Agreement, signed in the capital of Kanak, provides for the possibility of holding three referendums. On the first two occasions, the victory has been for the "no". The National Front for the Liberation of FLNKS, which brings together the Jainbat independence party, has called for the organization of a third referendum in autumn 2022, led by Kanaka and Socialists.
“Do you want Kalanga-Berria to reach full sovereignty and become independent?” Kanaky answered this question in the first two consultations and in the two he won no. The first was held on 4 November 2018: 56.67% voted in favour of the "no", while 43.33% voted in favour of the "yes" by 18,500 votes.
The results of the first consultation led to the holding on 6 September 2020 of the second referendum on independence to give way to the opportunity envisaged by the Noumea Agreement, but the health crisis forced the convening on 4 September octubre.En this marked the rise of independence: 53.3% voted in favour of the "no" and 47.7% in favour of the "yes". It rose 3.4 points and the difference between the two was 9.950.Los results were encouraging for the FLNKS independence coalition. Participation has also increased from 81 per cent of the first to 85.64 per cent of the second.
On February 17, 2021, elections were held and it was the first time that he managed to abuse the independence party. The Parliament of New Caledonia has 54 parliamentarians and 26 of them have supported the call for a referendum. The Act requires the launching of a reconsultation process by at least one third of Parliament’s representatives Vasco.Septiembre of 2022 would be the preferred date for the independentists.
COVID-19ak eragindako osasun egoeragatik independentziari buruzko erreferenduma atzeratzea galdetzen zuten independentistek, hori gabe boikotatuko zutela abisatuz. Eskaerari elkor, hitzordu politikoa burutu zuen Frantziak abenduaren 12an. %96,49ak Frantziaren mende gelditzearen... [+]
“Nahi ote duzu Kaledonia-Berria burujabetza osora heltzea eta independente bilakatzea?”. Galdera horri erantzun beharko diote erreferendum bidez urriko lehen igandean Frantziaren menpe segitzen duen Kaledonia-Berriko herritarrek. 1853an indarrez kolonizatuak izan... [+]