The telephone company Euskaltel has dismissed three senior managers on the basis of a decision by the Management Board. From the Fuentes and Fresco have been charged with several irregularities in their contracts, according to the information published by Naiz, and to Santamaría had not been able to find and resolve, respectively.
These layoffs have come when Euskaltel is making many changes within his organisation chart. These changes have taken place following the entry of the British Zegona fund, which has been withdrawn. The new CEO, José Miguel García, said that it was about going towards "simplification". The Management Board appointed Xabier Iturbe Otaegi as non-executive president of the operator in October 2019 and replaced Alberto García Erauzkin, who was executive president since 2011.
ELA sindikatuak hitzarmena defendatzeko deitutako hamar eguneko greba hasi bezperan, akordioa lortu dute Zamudioko ZTEko zuzendaritzarekin. Hitzarmenak soldata-igoerak, lanaldi-murrizketa, aplikatu beharreko gutxieneko soldatak eta telelanaren oinarriak jasotzen ditu. Gauzak... [+]
Euskaltel burtsaratu ondoren, asteartean jakin da nazioarteko inbertsore handiak hasi direla enpresaren kapitalean sartzen.
Asteazkenean atera da burtsara Euskaltel telekomunikazio enpresa eta lehen egunean bere akzioak 5,8 igo dira. Euskaltelek bere kapital sozialaren %63,5a atera du burtsara –80,4 milioi euro– eta goiz hasieran akzioek 9,50 euroren balioa bazuten, egun amaieran 10,05 .
ZTE konpainia txinatar erraldoiaren parte izatera pasako diren Euskalteleko 133 langileen subkontratazioak, "lan eskubideen galera" ekarriko duela salatu du ELA sindikatuak.