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She sentenced journalist Josele Sánchez to three years in prison for divulging data from a group raped woman during the Sanfermines

  • In 2018, journalist Josele Sánchez announced the identity of the woman who was raped in the group during the Sanfermines 2016, publishing several data through an article. For this reason, the National Court of Murcia has sentenced him to three years in prison, EUR 15,000 of compensation and the ban on acting as a journalist for a while. The judgment is not final and the same can be appealed against.
Sanferminetako talde bortxaketaren gaineko epaia ezagutzean Iruñean egindako mobilizazio feminista (Argazkia: Ekinklik)

11 January 2023 - 12:29
Last updated: 14:19

Three-year prison and compensation of EUR 15,000. This is the punishment imposed by the Superior Court of Justice of Murcia on journalist and digital media director La Tribuna de Cartagena, Josele Sánchez, in an article published in 2018. In his article entitled I do not believe you (I do not believe you), on 7 July 2016 he announced the identity of the raped woman in the Sanfermines of Pamplona, making his personal data and photographs public. It made available to the reader full name, ID, address, university in which he was studying and a couple of photographs. According to the judge, one of the photographs also has "a particularly degrading and offensive character".

The information published by Sánchez has conditioned not only the integrity of the battered woman, but also life. In fact, the breakdown of women's privacy led to a new and ongoing violence. He started receiving anonymous messages online, becoming a point of insults and threats. As a result, the woman had to leave her home and country and migrate abroad. He was also forced to stop his studies.

Although he signed the article with the pseudonym Marcos Larrazabal, Sánchez has later recognized that he is the author. He did so, for example, through statements to the digital publication El Plural in 2018, which informed the media that what was done was perfectly legal and which he wrote in defense of the presumption of innocence of the accused for collective rape. However, at the time the article was made public, the Provincial Court of Navarra had issued an order that prohibited the publication of any information that could make known the identity of the complaining woman.

The car prohibits Sánchez from acting as a journalist while the penalty is in effect. However, the judgment is not final and may appeal.

Fascism back fabric

Along with the statements made to El Plural, Sánchez reported that the first to disseminate information about the raped woman were others, referring to the Daily Stormer website. It is a website that disseminates the extreme right ideology, although created in the United States, with Spanish version in Spain. Alt-right or "right alternative" is the author and the public of the information published in it, among which are feminism. Sánchez is also fascist and has participated in the meetings of the European right-wing, as stated in this news published by La Vanguardia. According to this information, he is also a member of the Phalanx.




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