The trial was due to take place on Tuesday morning, but an agreement has been reached between the prosecution, the private prosecution and the defendant ' s defence. The defendant acknowledges that in 2019 he shot the house of a family from the left Abertzale of Amurrio. He announces that he is going to ask for a pardon to avoid prison.
The trial was scheduled at the Álava Hearing, but before and after two hours of negotiations, the three parties have concluded the agreement. A.M.A. The former Spanish police acknowledged that in 2019 he shot a hamlet in the Lezama district of Amurrio (Álava) and sentenced the penalty for two crimes: a fine of EUR 180 for the damage caused by the shooting and damage of EUR 200; a prison of three years and 9 months for the unauthorized stockpiling of weapons of war and a ban on weapons for six years and nine months. Prior to the agreement, the prosecutor ' s office required a prison sentence of seven and a half years and the private charge of thirteen and a half years.
Ayala has published that in order to avoid prison the former police will ask for a pardon and that the private prosecution has pronounced itself in favour of this option because of the age of the pensioner, who is about to turn 80.
Shooting 2019
6 January 2019 O.M.A. The former police fired at a hamlet in the Lezama district of Amurrio, a residence of a famous family on the Abertzale left. The shot made from a distance of about 400 meters entered a window. Inside the house were three people, and taking into account the footprint left on the wall, the family indicated that one of them had passed the bullet about 60 centimeters.
The defendant initially refused to intervene with the Ertzaintza, but subsequently accepted it and found in his house a full arsenal without permission. Aiaraldea brought to the image the contents of the arsenal, as you can see below.
The family, quiet
“The family has calmly welcomed the outcome of the process,” says Ayala. Consider it “positive” that the sentence recognizes that the former police fired at them.
Jar gaitezen 2025erako proposamen politiko gisa, Espainiako Auzitegi Kolonialaren (AN) epai guztiak berrikusten hasteko eta makila bakoitzak bere belari eusteko.
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This year marks the 51st anniversary of the United Nations proclamation of International Human Rights Day on 10 December. This date has become important in Euskal Herria and the Human Rights Observatory of Euskal Herria wants to offer some elements of reflection.
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