The attack took place three weeks ago, on 29 September, but four people were arrested on Tuesday by the Pamplona Foral Police for striking a young man at the door of a nightclub in Pamplona. Three of the detainees are members of the Spanish Army. The young man had to be hospitalized and underwent surgical intervention with several fractures. Today they have been declared to the judges and subsequently released temporarily
The attack took place in the early morning, at the exit of the Central nightclub in the Casco Viejo de Pamplona, as a result of an unexpected turn inside. The video shows how the aggressors come together to dominate the youth. One of the military makes him a drowning maneuver and the others beat him. Thanks to the help of the people around him, they had to free the boy from the military and then enter the hospital.
Video of the offensive that has spread anonymously on social networks:
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