Although in May they change as prime minister, it seems that the logic has not changed so much in Iraq; or at least that is what the protesters fear. Precisely, the Iraqi police killed three people in the demonstrations that took place in the last week of July in defence of the public service, and especially of a quality electricity system. According to the doctors, the shots consisted of a grenade "sent to the head and neck" that has not been injured. The public regrets that the heat is high above 50 degrees, and that electricity cuts are diverted from the streets. This claim goes out into the street throughout the summer.
The government of Mustafá al-Kadhimin, in power since May, has opened a survey of the killings in Afghanistan. In particular, it seeks to distinguish between the repressive attitude of the previous government.
In October 2019, the Iraqis began a social protest, with the Tahrir Square of Baghdad as the epicenter of the movement. Employment and social services, as well as the end of corruption, were the goals of the citizens who took to the streets. Through the repression, the demands were answered: More than 550 dead, 30,000 beaten and dozens of missing militants.
The then Prime Minister, Adel Abdel Mahdi, organised an election and won Mustafá al-Kadhimi in May of this year, with the challenge of dealing with such a dramatic social, political and economic crisis. Following these three killings, several agents and citizens accuse him of continuing with the same trend as the previous government.
This photo turns 20 and that EE.UU. He invaded Iraq with his European mariachis. The arguments were the deterioration of the “weapons of mass destruction” and the “liberation” of the country. One country was destroyed: over half a million Iraqis, mostly civilians, caused... [+]
Gudarako droneen teknologian milioika dolarreko inbertsioak egin ostean, “historiako aire kanpaina zehatzena” iragarri zuen Barack Obama, AEBetako presidenteak. 2014tik gaur arte Pentagonoak bildutako dokumentuak aztertuta, ordea, “aire guda hau inteligentzia... [+]