Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Mobilizations in many villages for demanding the freedom of the three detainees

  • The Sare citizen network has stressed that the detention of Ekhiñe Eizagirre, Kepa Arkauz and Imanol Jaio is "back to the past" and has carried out mobilisations and demonstrations in several Basque localities to request their release, including Zarautz, Abadiño, Ziburu and Arrasate. The three detainees will be taken to court today, after passing through the police station of Tres Cantos in Madrid, where they will be held.  

06 October 2020 - 08:59

Hundreds of people have gathered in different localities of Euskal Herria to demand the former prisoners Eizagirre, Arkauz and Jaio, detained by order of the National High Court. As Sare explained, "it is time for solutions, not to continue filling prisons in the framework of outdated and complicated accusations", so the citizen platform states that its intention is to return these arrests "to the past".

The arrests have occurred in relation to a "zulo" found by the Ertzaintza in 2019, when it was said that the material found on the site remained unused and outdated for many years. According to information released yesterday, the three detainees will be taken to court this Tuesday after being transferred to Madrid and going to the police station in Tres Cantos, where they appear not to be reported.


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2023-06-02 | Hala Bedi
Waldo, Eguzki
“Gladys bezalakoei esker, gaur egun ez dugu nuklearrekin arazo larri bat Euskal Herrian”

"Larunbatean Gladys gogoratu eta borrokan jarraitzeko gogoak ditugula ospatzeko bilduko gara", adierazi dute antolatzaileek.


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