According to police sources, the investigation began as a result of the denunciation of two victims who were accused. As a result of these allegations, the Police learned of the existence of a family clan dedicated to the sexual exploitation of women. The operation has reported the seizure of a mobile phone, EUR 4,345 in cash and documents that incriminate detainees.
The group consisted of two women from Paraguay and one man of Spanish nationality. The Police has indicated that women in the same country were seduced by young women, with great economic needs, and who were in perfect condition. The victims never received the promised money, but lower amounts. The benefits were sent to their families, using the rest of what they had left to buy food and hygiene products.
Young people start consuming pornography before, as porn is their only sex education. How on earth have we come here?
Today, it has to be acknowledged that thanks to the Internet it is much easier to see pornography. Unfortunately, through a click, the 7-9 year-old boy comes to... [+]
Pornography has been the subject of debate for decades and much of the debate has been a moralistic and alarming view of adult society. However, it is time to question this narrow view and to understand pornography from a broader and more precise perspective.
Firstly,... [+]
In the digital age, we have more and more examples of how technology affects human intimacy and alarming phenomena are occurring. Last synthetic pornography not accepted. This term refers to manipulating images or videos through artificial intelligence. To create pornographic... [+]
The day before, a 10-year-old boy told me that he had to change his school's email address password because his parents knew and could spy on his privacy. I told her I understood, but I warned her that school officials could also spy on everything she did on the Internet, even if... [+]
Some mock people who give money to non-governmental organisations (NGOs). On the other hand, it is not elegant to extend to the four winds that set aside a small portion of your charitable wage, so an easy position is not defended. Well, I'm going to cheer: I think, naive, that... [+]
Pornography is a criminal, profoundly misogynistic, racist and paedophile industry fueled by violence against women and girls. It is enormously powerful: according to some estimates, business moves EUR 87.5 billion. But it's no wonder that pornographic websites have more monthly... [+]