Three men are arrested on the second day of the Aste Nagusia festival in Bilbao, accused of sexual assault on so many other women. The three women have denounced those affected and been arrested.
In other capitals?
In the capitals of Euskal Herria, numerous attacks have been reported in the festivities held so far. There have been no reports of sexual assault at the San Sebastian holidays. The EFE has published that Mayor Maider Etxebarria has reported at least three sexual assaults in Vitoria. In San Fermín, at least 11 men have been arrested for the same accusation, explains Diario de Navarra. Itaia from the Northern Basque Country reported that at the Baiona festivities there were at least 21 sexual assaults and 4 of them rape.
With the words of poet Vicent Andrés Estellés, I am one among so many cases, and not an isolated, rare or extraordinary case. Unfortunately, no. Among so many, one. In particular, according to the Council of Europe, and among other major institutions such as Save The Children,... [+]
The case of Mazan is mentioned in the French media: a woman drowned with sleeping pills by her husband to put her between the legs of other men to be raped. That for ten years and three numbers: 92 violations (at least), 72 men and 51 trial violators. Gisèle Pélicot, 72, did... [+]
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