On the morning of this Thursday, a family with three minors has contacted the "desperately" Housing Union. The union members have explained that when they reached number 3 of Pablo Neruda Street in Barakaldo there was a Municipal Police device performing the eviction of the family.
According to the union, the family owed to the owner of the property part of the monthly payments for the rental of the property. "Because they have less than ten dwellings, the landlord is not considered a great owner and, therefore, has been able to initiate the eviction procedure in a very short period of time", explained the Housing Union.
In this context, Municipal Police officers and judges have appeared at home and tore down the door to evict the family. The Housing Union, in response to the call received, has approached to "protect, help and advise" the homeless family, although they have denounced that the Municipal Police have "prevented them from approaching their home at all times".
"They have not offered them any choice of accommodation and in less than an hour they have collected everything they could and have been forced to leave their homes," the union members regretted. "They haven't let us do our job. Finally, we collect everything we have been able to and we will accompany the family to the Emergency Social Services to inform them of the situation and ask for an alternative of dignified accommodation".
The Housing Union has recalled that on 22 December the Spanish Government approved a decree temporarily paralysing redundancies and banning supply cuts, and yet has warned that they are still being implemented. "In our city they run quietly and almost unknowingly. From the beginning of the year to May a total of 40 evictions were carried out in our city, that is, a eviction every three days," they denced.
Among other criticisms, the Housing Union has warned that, as in this case, people living in dwellings of the so-called "small owners" cannot ask for a moratorium and are "in a situation of total defenselessness".
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