The main objective of the conference is to reflect on the situation of young people in areas far from the center of Euskera. On December 2, they will reflect on the keys to making Basque culture visible to the young people on the shore of the Basque country.
To this end, they will have the presence of experts and educational agents, as well as the support of teaching and research staff from universities. In a session, young people will speak from themselves. There will be BEÑAT Rodrigo “Kiliki Fresko” (ChillMafia), Iholdi Beristain Martínez (singer and actress) and Sara Nieto Moreno (singer and actress).
You have the full program and the possibility to enroll in this link.
Naroa Jauregizuria is an advisor to Ahize-AEK and responsible for the project. The didactic unit has been developed by Ahize-AEK after a study on the relationship between the young people of the urban centers and the Basque culture in several schools in Greater Bilbao. The Ikastolas Federation is working on the design. This unit is currently carrying out a pilot experience at the Instituto Minas de Barakaldo.
The intention of AEK is to take the leap from Barakaldo to Euskal Herria and to be able to test the #Damolat project in other educational centers.
After their presentation at the conference, the material will be available free of charge to teachers, Basque and culture technicians, institutions, gaztetxe, etc., who are working in this field.
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