Ecologist group Eguzki has denounced the dumping of the Urola river at the height of the Iraeta district of Zestoa: “Everything points to the effluent being blood, which has been discarded from the Urkai Slaughterhouse.”
In the text released by Eguzki, he stressed that it has recently been a source of news in Urkai for the installation of cameras inside the slaughterhouse, following a new law, "to ensure that the animals that are slaughtered there have an end without suffering". But on this occasion the news from Urkaiko says that they are very different: "In view of the images of the spillage, it is clear that in other areas they do not control the activity of the slaughterhouse well, since the present is not the first time they have cast it".
The members of the Sun consider that the slaughterhouse does not have permission to pour fecal waters into Urola, as "it is connected to the reservoir of the Gipuzkoa Water Consortium". In addition, two points have been underlined to say that the case of landfill is serious. On the one hand, due to the scarcity of water that Urola brings in these times, "the impact of pollution will be greater for the beings that live in the ecosystem." On the other hand, this discharge could be "almost 100% avoided", as dry blood is a fertilizer used for years in agriculture and gardens, as well as in organic farming.
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