Journalists Without Borders, like every year, have published on Wednesday in 2022 the data of journalists who died, imprisoned, kidnapped and disappeared, and have exceeded last year’s: more journalists in prisons than ever before, and more and more women. It's 78 of the 533 incarcerated, twice as many as five years ago.
China is the country with the most journalists in prison (110), followed by Myanmar (62), Vietnam (39), Belarus (36) and Iran (47). In the latter case, the trend has been accentuated by the Police's post-mortal protests against Mahsa Amini. Two of them, Nilufar Hamedi and Elahe Mohammadi, are sentenced to death. Pablo González has not entered the list, the organization says they will wait until they know the crimes against him.
In addition, 57 journalists have been killed this year, compared with 46 last year. In Ukraine, eight have been killed since the beginning of the war, but 65 per cent have occurred in countries considered peaceful: most in Mexico (11). On the other hand, 65 journalists are kidnapped and 49 missing.
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