According to the report of the LAB union, at least 50 workers have died in Euskal Herria so far this year as a result of work accidents.
Osalan has reported the death of worker L.M.B.A., who suffered a serious occupational accident in Zierbena on 17 October. According to LAB, the operator had been working for more than five years in the construction company Widow de Sainz and the accident took place in the polygon El Campillo de Abanto. The 52-year-old worker suffered a trauma in the eye when he repaired the motor of a excavator, which caused him serious damage. The worker was immediately transferred to the Cruces Hospital with a reserved prognosis and died on 24 October. The causes of the accident are currently unknown.
Osalan has also reported that the seriously injured worker on 15 October at the Casa Maderas de Amorebieta-Etxano died on 25 October. The operator, 59 years old, fell three meters, was seriously injured and was killed by the injuries of the accident, a worker of the SEATTLE-AIR subcontract of the company Maderas Etxeaz fourteen years ago, in maintenance and screening of compressors.
With these two cases, LAB has reported that 50 workers have died this year in the Basque Country. The union has denounced that falls in the heights have also gained a "major prominence" in what goes on this year. “The safety measures to be applied to avoid risks at heights are well known. Behind each of these accidents there is always the criminal loophole of companies, which should put various means, as a legal imperative, to guarantee at all times the application of the different safety measures. And they don't do it systematically." According to the union, in the last 10 years at least 82 plant workers have died in Euskal Herria, most of them in the health sector. With this case in Amorebieta-Etxano, ten workers have died this year as a result of falls at work. LAB has described this fact as “criminal loophole.”
LAB has pointed out that accidents caused by machines are "frequent", although the safety regulations are "very strict". On the contrary, the union has stated that companies tend to infringe this regulation and has described the impunity they suffer as "unacceptable".
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2024ko laneko ezbeharren txostena aurkeztu dute LAB • ESK • STEILAS • EHNE-etxalde eta HIRU sindikatuek aurtengo otsailean. Emaitza larriak bildu dituzte: geroz eta behargin gehiago hiltzen dira haien lanpostuetan.