On Sunday there was a serious occupational accident at the food company Naturales de la Ribera del Ebro, located in Funes (Navarra). The Foral Police reported that the 29-year-old man had died in the hospital tonight.
One machine trapped the arm of a 29-year-old worker, while FITERO's neighbor was seriously injured, according to the same source. After the restoration work by the emergency services, he was transferred by helicopter to the Hospital Complex of Navarra. There he died several hours later.
So far this year, in Euskal Herria 45 people have lost their lives working or on work trips, 13 of them in Navarre. Statistics on accidents at work in the Basque Country continue to rise. The LAB trade union has denounced the situation as "worrying" and pointed out that hundreds of thousands of euros are spent on ineffective prevention campaigns. “We must put an end to this dynamic that guarantees death.”
For its part, the ELA trade union has pointed out that one of the main causes of the accident is the failure to comply with the safety measures of the machines. This union has called for a protest rally on 10 October at 11:00 in front of the headquarters of the Government of Navarra. ELA stresses that accidents at work can be avoided if safety measures are complied with.
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