Beñat Amenabarro, dean of the Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology at UPV/EHU, highlighted in the presentation the collaboration between the UPV/EHU and HIK HASI. As every year, the Meetings will be held jointly between the two entities. In addition, this collaboration will take another step this year, as the research we are conducting jointly between the UPV/EHU and HIK HASI will be accommodated on campus.
Esti Amenabarro, professor and researcher at the Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology, has presented the essence of the research that will lead the summer meetings:
“From Hik Hasi and the UPV/EHU we are conducting a study on the relations between the ESO faculty and its pedagogical character. The objective is to analyze the influence of teacher relations in the pedagogical sphere and, later, to develop proposals to improve relations and pedagogical activity. In the research, we sought to gather the concerns, dilemmas, difficulties, joys and dreams that high school teachers have when they perform their daily activities. The challenge is to know the relations that are established between the faculty, which organize the rest of the school processes, while helping to know the school climate. It is essential to focus the well-being and care of teachers”.
Ainhoa Azpirotz Hik Hasi has pointed out that in total there will be 31 courses to choose from, ten of which are designed specifically for parents, one of the important axes has been to offer tools to deepen the pedagogical transformation that is taking place in Primary, at a time when many centers are making a pedagogic leap, we will offer a series of leading courses that help the transformation. Among them is Neurohection. David Castrillo, expert in Neuroregeneration and head of studies at the Mendigoiti College of Pamplona. It will offer a course titled Taking into account the limited possibilities of classroom learning that occur, it is important to highlight this course.
Neuroscience, applied to pedagogy, shows us how the brain (children, people) learns. As David Castrillo says, "We learn through the brain. However, in education it is a fairly unknown organ and teachers generally have little knowledge of its functioning. Knowing this better is very important.” Castrillo talks about Leslie Hart's words: “Designing a pedagogical experience without understanding the brain is like designing a glove without understanding a hand.” In this sense, it is a new discipline born in recent years. It is not a method, but a new look at education that links pedagogical and psychological knowledge to the functioning of the brain. It is therefore an interdisciplinary approach whose main objective is the creation of a culture based on science from research and empirical evidence when making a decision. Today, thanks to advances in technologies, we have an increasing knowledge of the brain and, as David Castrillo points out, teachers have to be fluent enough to show interest and acquire new knowledge in order to improve the work of educators."
Azpirotz has pointed out that there will be more courses on leading topics: "Professor Iera Arrieta will present the motivation and interest of students, for example Escape generating digital and physical room. Special mention deserves the Joxe Mari Auzmendi Education Scholarship: Working the reflection through the cooperative dialogue that Imanol Alvarez and Garikoitz Moya will offer".
Besides Primary and Secondary Education, in the meetings there will be courses for all stages "and therefore for Early Childhood Education, among others: From the perspective of Montesso, a childhood companion, through the cooperative dialogue Haur lantzen or the prevention of neurosis at the beginning of life".
2: Neuroregeneration: How does the brain learn? David Castrillo
3: Prevention of neurosis in early life. Ane Sofedo
4: Expression by painting, clay and motion. Benjamin Barandalla.
5: Setting limits taking care of self-esteem. Nerea Mendizabal
6: In childhood he accompanies Montesso. Maite Ruiz
7: Working on reflection through cooperative dialogue. Imanol Alvarez and Garikoitz Moya
8: Education and psychological astrology. A pedagogical revolution. Izaro Susperregi
9: Elaboration of death. Patxi Izagirre and Ane Izagirre
11: Happy mental training and dreams! Urko Arozena
15: Educating in creativity, living in culture. Gotzon Barandiaran, Ihitz Iriart, Iratxe Retolaza
16: Create and create, count. Ixabel Agirresarobe
17: Personal training. Ainhoa Gorostidi
18: Surveillance zones: personal care, care of the other. Eider Zuriarrain
19: Yoga and concentration techniques at school. Marina Pintos
21: Neuroludokinesthesia. Aitor Zenarruzabeitia
22: Theatre techniques: pedagogical instrument for education. Esther Uria
24: Look and resources for direction. Iñaki Arana and Iratxe Vazquez
26: Escape creating digital and physical room. María Arrieta
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