The CEO of Petronor, José Ignacio Zudaire, made a press appearance on Monday to announce that once the tax on electric companies has been eliminated at the Spanish Congress, Repsol –owner of Petronor– has taken steps to open the hydrogen production plant in the Port of Bilbao, which will have the capacity to produce 100 MW.
The infrastructure would be operational by mid-2028 and one of its objectives is to supply heavy industry in Ayala. Zudaire explained that companies like Tubacex and/or Tubos have few opportunities to deepen their decarbonisation and that the most important thing is to take the route of synthetic fuels, i.e. hydrogen.
This would entail the construction of a 70-kilometre hydroduct to transport fuel from the Left to the Laudio and Amurrio plants.
Zudaire mentioned that the entire infrastructure requires an investment of 260 million euros and that 160 of them will be paid by the European Union, which has considered the project strategic.
The CEO of Petronor explains that it is not until 2030 that the hydroduct is expected to arrive in Ayala.
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