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The Council considers the jump to education "essential" to normalize and revitalize the Basque country

  • He emphasizes that although the situation of Euskera in education is different in the three administrative areas that separate Euskal Herria, it is necessary to make changes in all of them.

06 September 2023 - 12:25
Last updated: 16:45
Hezkuntzak "euskara gehiago" behar duela aldarrikatu du Kontseiluak. (Argazkia: Kontseilua)

The Council has analysed the situation of Euskera in education in the Basque Country and proposed "to make a leap in favour of the normalisation and revitalisation of Euskera". It stresses that although the situation is different in the three administrative areas separated by territory, changes are needed in all of them.

In the case of Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, where the CAPV Education Bill is proposed, the Council is concerned. It considers appropriate that some of the amendments proposed in the bill submitted by the Basque Government to the Parliament, such as the concretion in B2 of the students' Basque and Spanish output profile, or the need for each educational center to complete the linguistic project. However, although the objectives are "concrete", the path to them is considered "absolutely diffuse". That is why he has asked for clarification, so that the law "has more Basque", and especially so that "those who have less Basque have more".

He adds more elements that students should have as their way of acquiring the Basque: "a generalized and inclusive model in which the Basque language is a vehicular and vehicular language, the complete development in Basque of the Basque curriculum and of non-regulated education focused on the Basque culture".

Navarra: majority unrelated to the Basque Country

In Navarre, on the other hand, last year 63% of pupils in compulsory education did not receive Basque at school, as they were enrolled in Model G. Those who dominated the Basque language as the principal language of the school, that is, those who learned in model D, were 24%. In Early Childhood Education, there is also a majority not receiving the Basque language: In the course 2023-2024, 52% of those enrolled in model G, 18% in model A and 30% in model D.

The Council is concerned about this data, as "Model D has been unable to overcome the barrier approaching 30% for years." He thinks there are several reasons behind it. On the one hand, the government's strengthening and promotion of PAI models. These models, in addition to Spanish, offer English or other foreign languages as a vehicle language. "Consequently, many parents who previously used Model D to offer their children a supplement beyond regular schooling have resorted to PAIs and opted for other languages as a route of administration of this supplement."

He points out that it is also one of the reasons not to "receive" migrants from the point of view of the Basque country, as students from other countries are pushed to models without the Basque country.

The zoning of Navarre has also been called into question by the Council. In fact, according to the Basque Government, the situation of language in one or another territory varies greatly. In the so-called "Euskaldunes" zones, the majority of students study in model D, while in the "non-vascophony zone" is a minority. "Zoning and the norms and barriers established through it have reinforced socio-linguistic predisposition and have generated realities ever further apart from each other."

The Council therefore proposes two urgent measures for Navarre: Implement policies to promote model D and offer Euskera to all children who attend school in Navarra.

In Iparralde, the lack of official status makes

The number of people who do not receive Basque at school is even higher in Iparralde, 57%. In the first courses, Euskera will be the predominant vehicle language of 15%. In secondary schools, on the other hand, the percentage of people related to Euskera will be 21% (among the immersion model, both bilingual and with Basque knowledge).

The lack of official status has been rated by the Council as a major problem to advance the models in Basque, as this implies that "teaching in Basque must be subject to governments and specific decisions". Proof of this is the need to do the bass in French and claims the right to do so in Basque. It also insists that many obstacles must be overcome to make Euskera the dominant language in the public network and call for its elimination.

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