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The Council begins a collection of signatures to claim that education needs "more Basque"

  • Coinciding with the implementation of the course, and on the occasion of the new political year in which the Education Act will continue in the center of Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, the Council of Euskalgintza has begun the collection of signatures "which aims to ensure that this law has more Basque".

13 September 2023 - 08:06
Last updated: 10:24
Euskalgintzako Kontseiluko ordezkariak, hainbat gizarte eragilerekin batera emandako prentsaurrekoan / Argazkia: Euskalgintzaren Kontseilua

"In recent decades, steps have been taken in the normalization of Euskera and the educational community has been one of its fundamental pillars," the Council explained. "But the Basque country is still in a minority situation, and therefore, with the objective of equality, the Basque country needs proactive measures, it cannot be regulated as if the two languages were at the same level. Therefore, the future regulation should start from the educational model that has been most successful in creating multilingual Basque students, that is, with Euskera as a vehicular language. Therefore, Euskera should be the standard language of the educational system. Likewise, special attention should be paid to students who access without knowing the Basque language, and the law itself should establish the general criteria for adapting linguistic projects to the sociolinguistic reality. It will always be based on giving more to those with less Euskera."

"And, of course, you cannot understand the language by ignoring the associated culture," he adds. "Culture is also a right, and in the path of quality education, it is essential to ensure the transmission of culture in Basque as an element of social cohesion".

The press conference brought together parents, workers, students and teachers from the educational community to present the collection of signatures, as well as representatives from Euskal Herriko Ikastola, EHIGE, Hik Hasi, HEIZE, STEILAS, LAB and ELA.

"With this collection of signatures we want to open the way for all the citizens of Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa to express and demand that education needs more Basque," the Council says. Members of the Basque Parliament will be required to make three points in the new law:

1. An inclusive generalized model in which the Basque language is a vehicular and vehicular language.

2. Basque curriculum focused on Basque culture.

3. Fully develop unregulated education in Basque.

The collection of signatures will continue until 15 October. It can be signed by citizens of Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa over 16 years old, in person at the tables to be installed for signature, on the website

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