Thousands of students went out on strike on 30 March, called by Ikasle Abertzale. Demonstrations were held in Bilbao, San Sebastian, Vitoria and Pamplona to denounce that education is in the hands of entrepreneurs. They claim a socialist educational system "free, quality and universal".
The student strike has been organised in schools, universities and vocational training. The organization has highlighted the "spectacular militant work" carried out in all these places. In the evaluation of the mobilizations he stresses that the work carried out has shown the students the need and effectiveness of the political organization. Proof of this is the violation of political freedoms or the denial of the right to strike.
The DMA points out that in education, political militancy suffocates "choking". During the run-up to the strike, a student has been arrested on the campus of Vitoria and identified several members on other campuses. He has also denounced the "suffocating police presence, threats from the directorates, disciplinary punishments and those expelled from schools" of schools and universities. In view of this, it has called on the school directors and the UPV/EHU to respect political freedoms. "We know that political rights are guaranteed only through struggle, and we reaffirm ourselves along that path."
They point out that they have been one of the most important mobilizations in recent years, and have pointed out that this has been done to denounce the silence of the press and the media and to "reduce the echo of a real political force".
Ikasleen lan politikoa jazartzeko asmoz, Iruñeko Iturraman eta Biurdanan nahiz Bilboko Unamunon izan dira polizia-indarrak, IAk salatu duenez.
Ikasle Abertzaleak taldeak grebarako deia egin du martxoaren 20rako. Negozioen eta inposizioen hezkuntza borrokatu goiburuarekin manifestazioa ere eginen dute 12:00etan Iruñeko Foruen Plazatik aterata. Unibertsitatera sartu aurretik eta goi mailako ikasketak egiterako... [+]