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Educational laws harm the Basque Country

26 September 2022 - 09:06
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Education Act considers that the school is enough for our young people to know Basque. Evidently, this is not the case, but the law says that from now on the multilingual model will get students to level B2 in Basque at the end of the ESO. Article 68(3): "The Department responsible for education and educational establishments shall establish the necessary measures to ensure the achievement of the established levels, taking into account the starting point and socio-linguistic characteristics of each area". The school is and will be indispensable, but unfortunately it alone cannot and cannot, it is not enough.

The Law, however, will establish that the students of the Autonomous Community know more English, Spanish and Basque than now when they finish the ESO.

In order to achieve this objective, the following measures shall be adopted in accordance with Article 68 of the Act:

  • For our students to know more English, English will become a teaching language, that is, at least one ordinary subject will be taught in English. Consequently, at least the subjects they receive in English will be doubled. In addition, teachers should demonstrate greater knowledge of English: they should now certify Level C1.
  • To increase the knowledge of Spanish by our students, Spanish will become a teaching language, that is, at least one ordinary subject will be taught in Spanish. Consequently, at least the subjects received in Spanish will be doubled.
  • And so that they know more Basque? Well… so that our students know more Euskera, nothing. At the entry into force of the new law, our students of model D will receive fewer hours of Basque than now. And we teachers aren't going to have to prove a higher level of language either.

That is, for them to know more Spanish and English, they will have more Spanish and English in school. For them to know more Euskera, they will be given less Euskera at school.

Article 69 states that: "the two official languages and at least one foreign language shall be considered as learning languages".

Thus, from now on there will be a single linguistic model in which English will be used in at least two subjects (English itself plus another subject) and Spanish in two other subjects (the same Spanish plus one). Exactly the same model that Isabel Celaá proposed as an Education Advisor. This is what the process of experimenting with the trilingual framework of Education of the socialist counsellor said. Framework Document 2010-2011: "That in Primary Education there are at least 20% of the curricular hours in each language, 60% of the total time. Each centre can decide how to use the remaining 40% based on its linguistic and social reality and linguistic project. The language in which the rest of the content will be worked will therefore be the language that determines the centre. In Compulsory Secondary Education, the temporal distribution of each language is the same in percentage, always respecting the linguistic project of the center".

In most courses, current ESO students have twelve subjects. With the new distribution, in the best of cases 66% of the subjects will receive in Basque. This will give them Level B2 accreditation. For example, in the current model D, ten of these twelve subjects are in Basque: 83%. This certifies them level B1.

The distribution of the subjects will be carried out by each center. Article 69(2) states that: "The linguistic project of the center should plan the learning, use and positive attitude towards the languages of the students, taking into account the socio-linguistic environment and the profiles of the students and the professors, so that at the end of each educational stage the students acquire the linguistic level and the necessary competencies". And it will be the center itself that decides whether or not the students have reached the B2 level in Basque. Does anyone believe that the centres, especially those that charge, are going to say the opposite? Will you recognize that your students do not reach a sufficient level?

Since the Education Act does not provide for external audits to check the functioning of language projects designed by the centres and, if they do not function, require the centres to take action to make changes. It appears that the Department of Education will not use any external study to verify whether the results of the centres are actually adequate or not. Although it would be easy: The Navarra Language Distance School (EOIDNA) has been offering secondary school students who want to certify linguistic levels the possibility of obtaining the language degree through tests adapted to them for years. There it is voluntary; here, at least, it should be an audit.

From now on, the students of the Autonomous Community will receive level B2 at the end of the ESO. Logically, this will have a side effect: the accreditation of the linguistic profile 2 for the administration will allow the Euskaltegis to be emptied of young people, little by little. And not necessarily because they know Euskera.

Curiously, the law does not determine levels of knowledge for baccalaureate, although article 1 of the standard itself makes it clear that baccalaureate is also the subject of this law. Point 3 of the same Article states: "The university system and vocational training, regulated by specific regulations, are excluded from the scope of this Law." Baccalaureate is a secondary education, therefore the "scope" of this law. In this sense, at the end of high school, what will our students receive, C1? Or in high school will you not learn anything about Euskera? Until now, at the end of the ESO, B1 is recognized to those who have studied in models B and D, and B2, D at the end of high school. On the other hand, what happens after undergraduate studies? Do you have C2? Will we create C3 for those who perform their doctoral thesis in Euskera? It would not be surprising, because in the Law of Education the government has invented C1+, a degree that does not exist, but that they have wanted to conceal, because it seems that it has made them embarrassed to ask for the same level of teaching in Basque and English, in our own language and in the foreign language. And yes, I'm also embarrassed. As I am also ashamed of Article 68(4): Curricula of vocational training and special scheme courses must ensure that pupils acquire the technical linguistic competence of the relevant teaching and professional area. Just that? And in what language will they acquire this technical competence, in Basque or in Spanish?

Finally, it is disturbing that the opposition to teaching can still be carried out in Spanish. But this is the case: except in the languages (Basque, French, Spanish and English and in their own language), for the rest of the subjects it is possible to conduct the opposition in full in Spanish: both in the written and oral tests. It is also rabid, considering that the tests of the last opposition to be a EiTB journalist in 2015 had to be carried out in Basque and Spanish, both oral and written. Since then, level C2 has to be credited to be part of the journalist's job market in public media, not through a title, but through a one-time use. Since 2015, several competitions have been held in public education, all of which have offered the possibility of performing exams exclusively in Spanish.

I hope that the Basque parliamentarians, regardless of their part, will vote against this law.


Mikel Basabe Kortabarria. Teacher

Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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