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The pressure of the educational community bears fruit in the schools of Salburua and Adurza of Vitoria-Gasteiz

  • The members of the Salburua school board resigned in the face of shortages to practice as teachers, and on Monday morning children, parents and teachers were concentrated. At the Adurza school, a mobilization had been called to demand more staff so as not to close the dining room. On Monday at noon it has been known that the Department of Education has accepted the demands of both.

21 September 2020 - 16:50
Astelehen goizean mobilizatu dira Salburuako ikastetxe aurrean haur, guraso eta irakasleak. Argazkia:

The leadership of the Salburua school resigned last week at an extraordinary meeting of the local School Council. The Department of Education has not put any reinforcement in the school to ensure education and security against COVID-19, and for that matter, they have started the course with two teachers less than the previous course. “The management team has managed the request of these two workers since September 1, but from the [Education] department has not received any response,” explained the School Council. The director and the head of studies left out their management jobs to work with the physical and child education teams. In addition to publicizing its resignation and its causes, the Council announced a mobilization demanding the recruitment of two new teachers. The entire school community has participated in the mobilization on Monday morning.

In Adurza College, next Wednesday will be the cutting of schedules. The management reported that it had made the decision to suspend the dining room service due to the difficulty of complying with security measures to prevent COVID-19 contamination. In the center there are 20 coexistence groups and in order to meet the standards in the dining room five more monitors were needed. In the face of this situation, the Ikasberri Association of Fathers and Mothers of the center called the families a kalejira and a tuperadda for Tuesday. The AMPA explained that of the 285 children who travel to schools on buses of about 80, 97 are students who have been awarded scholarships. In view of the serious difficulties families have in replacing the dining room service, they asked the Department of Education to provide “the necessary answers”. They're not going to need to mobilize.

Pressure in cooperation

The mobilizations of these days, the public demonstrations and the joint work within the educational community have borne fruit at noon on Monday. The Department of Education has hired two new teachers at the Salburua school. At the College of Adurza, on the other hand, the department has forced the company Magui to put five more monitors, according to Alea.

It seems that the achievements are the result of mobilisations. Since 1 September, the Department of Education had on the table the request of the Salburua School and to date had not responded – not forgetting that two new teachers are not strengthening resources in the face of COVID-19, but working with the same number of teachers as last year. The Adurza school board noted that “thanks to what has come out in the press, he has managed to speak with the department’s representative.”

Move in partnership. : joint encouragement of families, parents' associations, school heads and teachers. The director of the centre, Adurtzkao, has underlined the "importance of cooperation across the educational community" and collaboration to "ensure well-being and quality education for all pupils, families and teachers".

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