PNV, EH Bildu, PSE-EE and Elkarrekin We have supported in the Basque Parliament the pact for a new education law for the CAV. The initiative had 68 votes in favour and 7 against. The pact was agreed by these parties on 18 March and approved by the Basque Parliament’s education committee on 28 March.
Although the pact was originally expected to be adopted earlier, the vote in Parliament has finally been postponed to this day because of the existing discrepancies. The parties have debated the place that Euskera will occupy, the obligations of the concerted centres, how to overcome segregation or the role of the public school.
The Basque Government Education Advisor, Jokin Bildarratz, thanked the political forces that supported the pact: "Education is above all political disputes and this has been seen today," he said. With this last step, the foundations of a new education law have been laid and the Basque Government will have to take the necessary steps to get the law through, possibly from the autumn onwards.
Concentration in favour of the Basque public school
The Steilas trade union has called for unemployment in public schools and schools, and has ensured that the call has "100% success" wherever it has gone. According to the Education Union, although the pact has achieved consensus among the parties, "unions, agents and workers that we are in favour of the Basque Public School do not agree at all with the intentions and decisions that have been expressed there". Steilas has ensured that this law "perpetuates and amplifies" the problems that exist in segregation and in other areas of society.
On the other hand, the Euskal platform Eskola Publikoa Harro has concentrated in front of the Basque Parliament to show its disagreement with the law of education and in the facades of several centers under the motto Do not sell Euskal Eskola Publikoa. "We reiterate that public and private networks are not the same and that privatizing services is detrimental to the population as a whole," they explained. They have also announced that they will be holding further mobilisations next May.