A look to reflect on co-educators and emancipators, share feminist experiences and create a network, II Feminist Co-education and Pedagogy. The congress was organized by 14 agents: Sorginlore, Ikertze, Emagin, Arremanitz, Imaginá, Alboan, City Hall of San Sebastian (Cooperation, Youth, Education and Equality), Biltzen, Hiruki Larroxa, TBK Hezkuntza Artaziak, Hezkuntza
The organizers have claimed the pleasure of working with co-education in a joyous, stimulating way that unites and links us from solidarity, from obligation or from formal or institutional models. The pleasure of living and living dynamic, creative and complete, as we bring down heteronormativity. The pleasure of consolidating our understanding and the transforming capacity of our practice, thanks to the possibilities that open our intersectional view and the global vision of the local”.
Here you can read the full programme with round tables, workshops, experience explanations and special formats. And here's the inscription until June 19.
In recent years, I have made little progress. I have said it many times, I know, but just in case. Today I attended a bertsos session. “I wish you a lot.” Yes, that is why I have warned that I leave little, I assume that you are attending many cultural events, and that you... [+]
Udan izandako indarkeria kasuen gorakada batetik, eta hainbat gizonezkok mugimendu feministak antolaturiko ekitaldiak boikotatu dituztela bestetik, Bortziriak, Xareta, Azkain, Bertizarana, Malerreka eta Baztango mugimendu feministek, erakunde publikoen konpromiso irmoa exijitu... [+]
Baionan Loverdose eta Atharratzen Bekat’uros egin den bezala, Oztibarren (Nafarroa Beherea) Debrien Figurak feminismoaren eta transfeminismoaren inguruan antolatutako egunak arrakasta izan du.
Since 24 October, Iñigo Errejón has been named head of the line of all the media in the Spanish State, and his name has been used to date, right and left. It has achieved a very rare media noise, and it seems that the echo is going to take a long time. Now we all have... [+]