Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Several parents create a group to support the mobilizations of educators

  • When the educators go on strike, they often summon angry parents to seek confrontation and question the legitimacy of the strike, but they are also parents who share the demands of the educators and who understand that improving working conditions means better education for their sons and daughters. Kristina and Aitor have approached the other parents of their child's haurreskola to see how to create a group and help the demands of striking educators.

25 January 2021 - 07:00

On Monday the workers of the CAV Haurreskolak Consortium who have been working are on strike. “We firmly believe in the mobilizations and actions being carried out by educators. It is not only a labor claim, but a claim for the proper functioning of children’s schools and their future, and therefore, for the education and well-being of our sons and daughters,” says the couple.

Responding to the call of Kristina and Aitor, several parents of this Irun haurreskola have already contacted the couple and are now thinking about how they can help the demands of the educators. In short, it is a question of the pressure of parents influencing decisions to improve the situation of educators and haurreskolas, as well as showing their support to the workers, stating that they are not alone in this struggle.

“They make us feel very small and we think we deserve something else.”

We have often heard from educators that parental support is essential. The workers of the Haurreskolak, moreover, have to see how their work is disregarded, but do not get ruined, as the Haurreskola educator Idoia Karrera made clear: “As workers, we are a cycle in which we mobilize, surely because they make us feel small and we believe we deserve something else.”

The Haurreskolak Consortium has convened five days of strike in January and February with the following objective: Free admission and integration of the Haurreskolak Consortium in the Department of Education; respect for and compliance with existing agreements; negotiation of the new employment agreement; end of the temporary staff rate, stabilizing jobs; incorporation of the Haurreskolak Consortium in the staffing of Personal Protection Teams carried out by Osakidetza in public education; and increase of the budget.

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