Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"Marée populaire" will be a popular flood in defense of public services in Bayonne on Saturday

  • Two months ago, 3,500 people protested in Bayonne against the political reform imposed by President Emmanuel Macron and for the defense of public services. On Saturday 26, as at that time, the demonstrators will leave the train station at 10:30 a.m.

25 May 2018 - 09:43
Iragan martxoko 22an Baionan izan zen manifestazioa. Argazkilaria: Isabelle Miquelestorena.

Almost all trade unions in the French State have made the call, being among them the LAB trade union. You've got to live! The movement will also participate in the gathering. The so-called Marée populaire of the Hexagon The flood of people is expected to drift tomorrow in the capital of Lapurdi.

140 rallies are organized throughout the state in all local capitals. Public services are being passed on to private sector actors. The callers, among others, want to prevent railway workers and teachers, as well as unemployed and retired citizens, from breaking social ties under the slogan of “solidarity”.

You are interested in the channel: Frantziako lan-erreforma
2018-03-23 | Mikel Asurmendi
500,000 people on strike for public services in the Hexagon, 15,000 in Bayonne
Emmanuel Macron wants to reduce the number of public service employees. He promised to renew six public service areas prior to his appointment as president. The strike yesterday was the third wave between the government and the unions. There are no opportunities to consolidate... [+]

2017-09-18 | Mikel Hiribarren
Macron lehendakariari zer oihukatuko zaio karriketan udazken honetan?

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Parisko Errepublika plaza gau eta egun okupatzeko deia egin du Nuit Debout mugimenduak

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Lan erreformaren aurkako protestak areagotu dituzte Frantziako Estatuan

Estatu mailako protesta eguna deitu dute ostegunean Frantzian, Gobernuak onartu nahi duen lan erreformaren aurka. Baionan dagoen Europako merkantzia zentroa okupatu du Jusqu'au Retrait kolektiboak. “Ekonomia blokeatzea” da protesten xedea.

“Dena blokeatzeko” deia, Frantziako Gobernuaren lan erreformari aurre egiteko

Lan erreformaren aurka mobilizatu dira Baionan asteartean, seigarren egunez. Ostegunean “dena blokeatzeko” deia egin dute. Goizeko 7:30ean elkartuko dira Baionako San Andres plazan.

Lan-erreforma dekretuz onartu nahi du Manuel Vallsek

Ezohiko ministroen kontseiluak baimena eman du astearte arratsean Frantziako Gobernuak ezarri nahi duen lan-erreforma dekretuz onartzeko, Asanblada Nazionalaren bozka saihestuz. Lan-erreformak Frantziako Estatuan duen aurkakotasunak bultzaturik dator erabakia. PSko sektore... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude